Mikrometry instruments limited



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ECT Cap Torque Tester

Mikrometry cap torque tester is an intelligent multi-functional measuring instrument that is designed for testing various kinds of bottle lid torque. Bottle cap torque tester is mainly used in testing and calibrating tighten force, parts torsional destructive testing, etc. The bolt tension tester is easy to operate, with high precision and complete functions. Cap torque meter is widely used in various kinds of electric, light industry, machinery manufacturing, research institutions, etc. As one of the leading bottle cap torque tester suppliers in China, Mikro Metry provides quality bottle torque testers deserving your trust.

The cap torque meter tester is a kind of torque meter gauge designed to measure the applied and removed torque of bottle caps which can effectively grip containers of various shapes and sizes, while the optional flat and adjustable jaws provide a unique profile. Bottle cap torque tester made by Mikrometry, one of the leading measuring instruments suppliers in China, has a sturdy aluminum design and simple intuitive operation including a series of complex productivity-enhancing functions so that it can be used in laboratories and production environments.

ECT Bottle Cap Torque Tester Specifcations

bottle cap torque tester
bottle cap torque tester
bottle cap torque tester
bottle cap torque tester
bottle cap torque tester
bottle cap torque tester

ECT Bottle Cap Torque Testers Features

Torque Tester For Bottle Caps Specifications


5%~100% Capacity


± 0.3% Readings

Selectable Units



240*160 dot matrix LCD(3.1 inch) with LED Backlight

Overload Capacity

120% of F.S.

Measurement Mode

Track, Peak, First Peak、Auto Peak、Auto First Peak、Double Peak

Display Mode

Digital / Curve

Data Sampling Rate

Up to 2KHz


1000 data

Set Point

Programmable high and low limits


3.6VDC 1600mAH Ni-Mh rechargeable batteries

Battery Life

Approx. 25 hours per charge


Universal USB/BM charger, Input:110~240VAC

Temperature Effects

<0.03% FS per °C


USB or RS-232


Free software for USB communication


RS-232, "Within" set point output, "Under or over" set point output

Operating environment

Temperature: -10 to 40°C

Relative Humidity:  20 to 80%

Storage environment

Temperature:  -20 to +50°C

Relative Humidity:  5 to 90%




~ 2.5 kg


AC adapter/charger, USB cable


Mini-printer, RS-232 Cable, Small Diameter Jaw, EST-TT2 Torque Test Stand.







0.1~2 / 0.0002

10~200 / 0.02

1~20 / 0.002

0.07~1.48 / 0.0002

0.89~17.7/ 0.002


0.25~5 / 0.0005

25~500 / 0.05

2.5~50 / 0.005

0.18~3.7 / 0.0005

2.2~44.3 / 0.005


0.5~10 / 0.001

50~1000 / 0.1

5~100 / 0.01

0.37~7.4 / 0.001

4.4~88.5 / 0.01


1~20 / 0.002

100~2000 / 0.2

10~200 / 0.02

0.7~14.8 / 0.002

8.9~177 / 0.02

Bottle Cap Torque ECT Tester Display Indication

Bottle Cap Torque ECT Tester Display Indication

Handheld Bottle Cap Torque Tester Display Indications

LED Screen Indication of Handheld Bottle Cap Torque Tester

1. Test Mode

Test Modes of Handheld Bottle Cap Torque Tester

2. The analog bar and direction on the ECT bottle cap torque tester indicate the current position in whole capacity. When the bar enters the area enclosed by a dotted line, means overload.

Analog Bar and Direction of Bottle Torque Tester

3. Storage/Print Setting

Storage And Print Of Torque Tester For Bottle Caps

4. Time and Power

5. Torque Value and Unit

6. Statistics: Saved five-point measurements value.

7. Analysis: Average Variance criterion.

8. Prompt

First Peak/Double Peak: Drop ratio

Prompt of Cap Torque Tester

How to Use Digital Cap Torque Tester?

1. Installation

Mikro Metry handheld bottle cap torque tester can be used just put on or be fixed on the workbench or sand. For high capacity tests or accurate and stable measurements are required, this handheld bottle cap torque tester is best to use some kind of test stand or loader.

2. Power On/Off

Press the power button for 2 seconds to power On or Off the digital bottle cap torque tester.

3. Clamp Adjustment

Adjust the position of 4 clamping rods to fit the size of the test piece. This handheld bottle cap torque tester is best to turn on the bottle torque tester while adjusting and clamping.The overload alarm of this digital cap torque tester can be used to avoid overloading during operation.

4. Testing

① Select Units

② Select Test Mode

Select the appropriate test mode according to the measurement method or requirements.

③ Install test sample

④ Zeroing (remove tare)or Update(refresh measuring) Cap Torque Tester

Zeroing or Update Cap Torque Tester

5. Storage/Print

Measured results can be stored in the handheld bottle cap torque tester so that you can review or print them later. 

Storage and Print of Torque Tester For Bottle Caps

Cap Bottle Torque Meter/Measurer Technical Drawing

Cap Bottle Torque Meter/Measurer Technical Drawing

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